  • Polski
  • English
  • Discovering chances - chance for the future

    About project

    “Discovering chances – chance for the future”

    • • EU Fund: ERASMUS+ Programme – Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships
    • Project starts: December 2014
    • Duration of project: 21 months
    • End of project: August 2016
    • Participating organisations:
      • Poland: Centrum Społecznego Rozwoju w Łaziskach Górnych – leader,
      • Greece: IASIS NGO,,
      • Turkey: IKOS Istambul Kolektif Sanatlar,
      • Spain: FUNDACION INTRAS,
      • Austria: BEST Institut GmbH,

    The aim of the project is the exchange of experiences, methods and techniques for the assessment of young people’s professional predisposition among those involved in professional activation: counselors, psychologists, coaches.

    The project is a strategic partnership for youth which is implemented under the Erasmus+ programme. In the project cooperate organizations from Poland, Greece, Turkey, Spain and Austria.
    Certain key competencies seem to be the most important for assessing youngsters’ professional predisposition. These competences are teamwork, intercultural sensitivity, stress resistance, problem solving, flexibility and change management. The project DISCOVERING CHANCES-CHANCE FOR THE FUTURE aims to provide the knowledge and skills in the use of new methods and tools for the assessment on the above mentioned competences.

    Most important project fields

    • Promoting of gaining practical experiences in entrepreneurship education, training and youth work;
    • Supporting the professional development of staff and youth workers – ICT methodologies.

    Most important topics covered by the project:

    • Issues concerning the labour market, career counselling and the problem of unemployment of young people;
    • Research and innovations;
    • New innovative programs / teaching methods / training developments.

    Intelectual Outputs:

    O1 Detailed project strategy,
    O2 Report Current situation of occupational (career) guidance in Poland addressed to young people aged 15-25 years. The tools used by professional counsellors, their needs and expectations
    O3 Project implementation strategy
    O4: Publication summarizing practical part of the project
    O5 Final publication

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