Another transnational meeting – Vienna

Another international meeting took place in Vienna 2th-3th of February in BEST headquarters.
Topics that had been discussed:

  • Introduction of new coordinator of the project (overall management, review);
  • Information about the current situation of the project arrangements with the NA (changes on budget, IO distribution, annexes to the contracts);
  • Review, discussion, agreement about NA inspection report;
  • Overall action plan of the project, discussion and agreement on results of intellectual work;
  • Action plan of the OUTPUT 3 (results, quality, schedule);
  • Discussion and agreements on further steps, tasks and date of next meeting in Turkey after results of O3;
  • Presentation of the project website;
  • Discussion and conclusions.

The meeting was very intense and effective. Precedes the implementation of further results of intellectual work: project implementation strategy (O3), publication (manual) summarizing practical part of a project (O4) and final publication (O5).

We set the date of another meeting that will take place in Instanbul on 19th-20th May.

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